
Repps with Bastwick Parish Council is not a planning authority. It is, however, asked for its comments  by Great Yarmouth Borough Council and the Broads Authority for applications in respect of the Parish of Repps with Bastwick.

The Clerk receives the applications, and once received these can be inspected upon request or at the beginning of the parish council meeting where they are to be discussed.  If the deadline for response is before the next Parish Council meeting then an extension is sought so that the full Parish Council can view the application, and Parishioners have the opportunity to speak to the Council at the meeting before comments are returned to Great Yarmouth Borough Council.

All plans are notified on the meeting Agenda.

*** During the COVID-19 restrictions all planning applications received will be listed at the bottom of this page along with the Parish Council comments and the planning authority decision.  If you wish the Parish Council to consider your comments please email the clerk – [email protected] – and they will be forwarded to Councillors.  ***

If no extension can be obtained then parish councillors will be consulted to provide a responce on behalf of the Parish Council, which will be notified at the following parish council meeting.

Objections raised have to relate to a material planning consideration.

Members of the public who are affected by planning applications should respond directly to either Great Yarmouth Borough Council or the Broads Authority as appropriate.

Planning Application Check List:

Any conflict with the Borough Plan.
Contrary to Local Development Framework.

Special Design:
Conservation area or tree preservations orders.

Loss of socially beneficial use, have previous applications been refused.

Site Considerations:
Over development.
insufficient garden.
Incompatible with design of existing buildings.
Threatening a public right of way.
Insufficient parking spaces.
Loss of wild life, rare plants, etc.
Destroying traditional field patterns.
Public sewers inadequate.
Risk of flooding.
Health threat due to land contamination.

Overlooking adjoining properties.
Blocking natural daylight.
Noise, smells, disturbance, unsociable hours.

Dominating nearby buildings.
Conflicts with surrounding building patterns.
Conflicts with character of area.
Inconvenience to pedestrians.
Road system inadequate.
Prejudice highway safety.
Adverse effect on economy.
Better alternative sites.

BA/2020/0081/COND – amendments to barn elevations and floor plans, and increase in height, variation of condition 2 of permission BA/2018/0279/FUL at Bastwick Tower House, Tower Road, NR29 5JN. Comments by 24th April 2020.
Cookies For Comments Image